Moved to github…
…I’ve moved this blog to github. Some of my posts’ formatting are broken, but I’m working on fixing them. If you find one that is, drop me an email and I’ll add it to the queue!
Blog Posts
- Automated Acceptance Testing with SpecFlow, RoundhousE, NHibernate, & SQL Server
- Using the Reactive Extensions with WinForms
- Manifesto for Software Crapsmanship
- Testing with NHibernate in-memory using SQLite
- .NET: Encrypting a custom configuration section in app.config
- New Year, New Mac, New App
- BarCamp Tampa Bay Presentation: An Introduction to Developer Testing
- Testing Pattern: Factory Method on Base Test Class
- IronRuby MVP Shay Friedman on the next Iron Languages Podcast
- Iron Languages Podcast - Episode I: We Have Lift-off
- Using Factory Girl from C# with IronRuby for building .NET objects
- I'm on Herding Code!
- Presentation: IronRuby for the Rubyist
- IronRuby: `gem update --system`
- My Patch to Ruby Gems for IronRuby support is in 1.3.7!
- New Release: iron-term-ansicolor 0.0.2 for IronRuby
- Setting up Ubuntu 9.10 for Ruby and Rails Development in VirtualBox on Windows
- Continuous Integration: Executing Remote Tasks with TeamCity, MSBuild, RemCom, and ExecParse
- IronRuby, Cucumber, & win32console: Picking up the Gauntlet
- Cucumber and IronRuby: It Runs!
- Unit Testing ASP.Net?
- Continuous Improvement, Days 3 + 4: Team City ROCKS!
- Continuous Improvement: Day 2
- Continuous Improvement, Day 1: Hello, TeamCity!
- A Confession: I don't do TDD, but I know I should
- Rails 2.3.0 + IIS7 + FastCGI = Rails on Windows FTW!
- Hello world!